Kaiser Permanente Panorama City Medical Center

The Kaiser Permanente Panorama City Medical Center in Panorama City, California aims to be a state-of-the-art replacement facility for an existing 218-bed hospital in the Los Angeles area. A full service imaging department, a 52-position emergency department and a 10 room operating suite round out this newest addition to the Kaiser family.

There is no debating that the best way to go about finding a quality medical provider is to shop around. However, you will want to be sure you select a medical center that is part of the KP Network, the largest and most comprehensive managed health care network in the country. Fortunately, you can find a medical center near you by visiting the KP HealthCare website. If you are on the prowl, you should also keep in mind that KP's medical offices are all open to the public and accessible by car, if not by appointment.


A quick search for medical facilities in the Panorama City area should yield the results you seek. To the left of the main entrance is a small, gated parking lot. The snazzy new Panorama City Medical Center is undergoing a multi-million dollar renovation, including the addition of a brand new central plant and utility lines to serve its needs. Similarly, the ER is getting a new look.

The most notable tidbit is that the medical center is part of the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, an integrated healthcare delivery system encompassing more than 900 locations nationwide. It also provides access to the entire KFHP contracted provider network. For the most part, the company is highly responsive to community needs and has a philanthropic streak. This includes providing services to enrollees with disabilities, as well as funding worthy charitable causes. Moreover, KP's local offices are all about the community. Many times, they will even invite community partners to apply for grants and funding.


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